Monday, March 4, 2013


Last week, while we were introducing ourselves at the beginning of Bible study, we were asked to talk about our experience with being saved. Before I got my turn, I heard a commotion downstairs in the lobby. I went down to see what was happening. One of our guests was upset because someone had closed the door and locked it while he was smoking a cigarette, denying him access to his things. I tried to talk to him about different reasons that might have happened, hoping to explain that it was not necessarily someone acting against him. He was pretty sure they were, or that at least they were testing him.
As we were discussing the whats and whys of the incident, someone approached the glass double-doors, knocked and, almost as if a part of the same act of my opening the door to her, reached their arm in and handed me a blueberry pie, saying "this is for you guys."
Like that, our conversation in the lobby shifted to how we would share this pie, who would get the plates and forks, and how we would enjoy it together. As Kay Jorgensen said, years ago, "one simple act of compassion can end a war or feed a stranger."
We were saved, and I still had time left to tell the story at bible study!

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